

陈懿,男,1933年生于福建福州,物理化学家。1955年南京大学化学系毕业,1979—1981年美国Wisconsin大学访问学者,2005年当选为中科院院士。现任南京大学教授、校务委员会顾问、校发展委员会顾问、华英文化教育基金南京大学遴选委员会召集人、介观化学教育部重点实验室学术委员会主任。曾任国际催化协会理事(1992—2000)、中国化学会理事长(1995—1998)、教育部高等学校化学教学指导委员会主任(1995—2000)、国务院学位委员会化学学科评议组召集人(1997—2002)、《Journal of Catalysis》编委(2000—2005)等职务。1985—1997期间还历任南京大学化学系系主任、副校长、常务副校长、代校长。发表SCI论文250余篇,中国发明专利授权11项,德国、欧洲以及世界专利各一项。获全国科学大会奖,部、省级科技进步奖八项。多次应邀在国际会议和国外著名高校或公司作大会或邀请报告,1997年被评为全国优秀科技工作者。

长期从事催化剂、介观化学和材料方面的研究。提出金属氧化物催化剂的嵌入模型,对氧化物在其载体上的分散行为做出定量的描述,解决了多晶表面上空位以及阴离子所产生屏蔽效应的计算。阐明了溶液反应合成非晶态Ni-B粒子的机理,发现了制备Ni-P合金粒子液相反应的自催化本质,改进了溶液沸点附近回流加热的制备方法,提出了有效避开水解作用,获得类金属元素含量高的Fe-B非晶合金的固相化学反应方法。近年来,在纳米复合氧化物的制备及其晶格氧的活动性与粒子尺寸和催化选择性的关联,低维纳米金属氮化物的制备及其场发射性能等方面都取得良好进展。专著有《穆斯堡尔谱学基础和应用》等。 2005年当选为中国科学院院士。



  1. 《物理化学(高等学校教材 上、下册)》傅献彩,陈懿主编  1961 人民教育出版社

  2. 《物理化学习题集》傅献彩,陈懿等翻译校对  1962 人民教育出版社

  3. 《物理化学简明教程(高等学校教材 上、下册)》傅献彩,陈懿主编  1964 人民教育出版社

  4. 《穆斯堡尔谱学基础和应用》夏元复,陈懿编著 1987 科学出版社

  5. 《中国大百科全书 (化学卷:穆斯堡尔谱学)》陈懿撰写1989 中国大百科全书出版社.



1.Chen Y and Zhang LF “Surface Interaction Model of g-Alumina-Supported Metal Oxide” Catalysis Letter,12,1992年,51-62页

2.Gao XT, Shen JY, Hsia YF, Chen Y “Reduction of Supported Iron-oxide Studied by Temperature-programmed Reduction Combined with Mossbauer-spectroscopy and X-ray-diffraction” Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions,89 (7),1993年,1079-1084页

3.Chen Y, Dong L, Jin YS, Xu B, Ji WJ “Studies on supported metal oxide-oxide support interactions (An incorporation model)” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis,101,1996年,1293-1302页

4.Liu Z, Chen Y “Spectroscopic Studies on Tetragonal ZrO2-supported MoO3 and NiO-MoO3 Systems” Journal of Catalysis,177 (2),1998年,314-324页

5.Chen Y “Chemical preparation and characterization of metal-metalloid ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” Catalysis Today,44 (1-4),1998年,3-16页

6.Du XZ, Dong L, Li C, Liang YQ, Chen Y “Diffusion Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform and Raman Spectroscopic Studies of MoO3 Dispersed on CeO2 Support” Langmuir,15 (5),1999年,1693-1697页

7.Dong L, Hu YH, Xu F, Lu D, Xu B, Hu Z, Chen Y “A study on the surface properties of ceria-supported tungsten and copper oxides” Journal of Physical Chemistry B,104 (1),2000年,78-85页

8.Xu B, Dong L, Fan YN, Chen Y “A study on the dispersion of NiO and/or WO3 on anatase” Journal of Catalysis,193 (1),2000年,88-95页

9.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Lu YN, Chen X, Xu H, Chen Y ”Synthesis and characterization of faceted hexagonal aluminum nitride nanotubes” Journal of the American Chemical Society,125 (34),2003年,10176-10177页

10.Liu Z, Amiridis MD, Chen Y “Characterization of CuO supported on tetragonal ZrO2 catalysts for N2O decomposition to N2” Journal of Physical Chemistry B,109 (3),2005年,1251-1255页


1990 以前

1. “中温变换催化剂的研制 Ⅰ 中和条件和有关还原问题的探讨”“中温变换催化剂的研制 Ⅱ 有关热煮问题的探讨”“中温变换催化剂的研制 Ⅲ 红外干燥和燃烧条件的初步探讨”“中温变换催化剂的研制 Ⅳ 不同PH范围的中和条件对沉淀组成以及催化剂性能的研究”南京大学化学系化肥催化剂科研组 全国化肥催化理论工作会议(南京), 全国化肥催化生产使用会议(汾阳) 邀请报告(石化部,1977年)
2.陈懿, 夏元复, 叶纯灏 “穆斯堡尔谱学在催化研究中的应用” 全国重点高校催化会议(厦门1978年) 全国催化理论工作会议(大连 1978年)报告
3.物理系穆斯堡尔谱学科研组, 南大化学系化肥催化剂科研组 “铁铬系中温变换催化剂的穆斯堡尔研究” 南京大学学报(自然科学版)(1),54,1978.
4.夏元复, 叶纯灏, 颜其洁, 陈懿, 金永漱, 邱金恒 “铁铬系中温变换反应条件下的穆斯堡尔谱研究” 南京大学学报(自然科学版)(4), 1979.
5.陈懿, 顾良证, 张爱民 “铁铬系中温变换催化剂的干燥和焙烧对性能的影响” 南京大学学报(自然科学版)(4), 1980
6.DING YING-RU,YAN QI-JIE,HSIA YUAN-FU,YE CHUN-HAO “A Mossbauer study of the iron-chromium type catalyst for CO conversion under the reaction condition” JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE P.C1-341,1980
7.J. E. KUBSH, YI CHEN AND J. A. DUMESIC “The use of CO2/CO mixtures to study adsorption on chromia-promoted magnetite at water-gas shift temperatures“ J. CATAL. 71, 192-200 1981.
8.J. E. KUBSH, C. R. F LUND, YI CHEN AND J. A. DUMESIC “Magnetite surface area titration using nitric oxide,Ⅱ. pretreatment effects and silica-supported samples“ REAT. KINET. CATAL. LETT. 17, 115-119 1981.
9.KOH-ICHI SEGAWA,YI CHEN, J. E. KUBSH, W. N. DELGASS, J. A. DUMESIC AND W. K. HALL “Infrared and M?ssbauer spectropic studies of the interaction of nitric oxide with Fe-Y ZEOLITE“ J. CATAL. 76, 112 1982.
10.S. YUEN,YI CHEN, J. E. KUBSH , J. A. DUMESIC, N. T?PSOE ANS H. TOPS?E “Metal oxide - support interaction in silica - supported iron oxide catalysts probed by nitric oxide adsorption” J. PHYS. CHEM. 86, 3022-3032 1982.
11.林俊藩,张惠良,陈懿 “负载型Ni催化剂上连续液相加氢制芳腰-载体、助催化剂和处理条件的研究” 南京大学学报 (化学专刊) 23(1985)
12.陈懿,张惠良,张毓昌,陆怀先,都有为,陈益梅 “氧化铬为助剂的中温水煤气变换催化剂的研究 氧化铝的添加效应” 催化学报 6(3), 199 (1985).
13.牛春明,颜其洁,陈懿 “ MoO3-SnO2 相互作用的研究” 物理化学学报 1(3), 281 (1985).  
14.张毓昌,陆怀先, 都有为, 陈益梅, 张惠良, 陈懿 “氧化铬为助剂的中温水煤气变换催化剂的穆斯堡尔谱与磁性研究” 催化学报 6(3) 205(1985).
15.D. G. RETHWISCH, J. PHILLIPS, YI CHEN, T. F. HAYDEN AND J. A. DUMESIC “Water-gas shift over magnetite particles supported on graphite: effects of treatment in CO/CO2 and H2/H2O gas mixtures“ J. CATAL. 91, 167-180 1985.
16.J. PHILIPS, YI CHEN AND J. A. DUMESIC “Characterization of supported iron oxide particles using M?ssbauer spectroscopy and magneytic susceptibility“ ACS SYPOSIUM SERIES 288, 518-533 (1985).
17.张惠良, 陈懿 “负载型 Ni催化剂上连续液相加氢制芳胺-载体、助催化剂和预处理条件的研究” 南京大学学报(化学专刊)23(1986).
18.夏元复, 王述新, 李玉魁, 颜其洁, 陈懿, 刘海洋 “用穆斯堡尔谱研究 Eu2O3 在载体表面上的分散度” 物理学报 35 (2) 243(1986).
19.罗晓明, 陈宁, 陈懿 罗谷风 “V2O5-SnO2 二元氧化物组份间相互作用及其甲苯催化性能的研究”催化学报 9(4), 351(1988)
20.林俊藩,陈懿 “三组份(NiO, La2O3, SiO2)负载型加氢催化剂中La2O3的作用” 无机化学 4 (1) 68(1988)
21.H.Tang, R.C.Liu and Y.F.Hsia, Y.Chen “A Mossbauer Investigation of the Amorphous Tin-Antimony Oxide Films” HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS. 41 1988
22.H.Tang, R.C.Liu, H.Zhou and Y.F.Hsia, “A Mossbauer Investigation of SnO2 Films with Preferred Orientation of Crystallites” HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS. 41 1988
23.金永漱, 陈懿 “交联层柱粘土的制备及其结构和性能的研究” 无机化学学报 5 (2),(1989)


24.王 野, 颜其洁, 金永漱, 陈 懿 “甲烷氧化偶联制乙烯Li-ZrO2, Li-La2O3催化剂的研究”分子催化5(2), 1991
25.牛春明, 颜其洁, 陈 懿 “甲醇选择氧化MoO3-TiO2 催化剂的研究” 分子催化 5(1)(1991).
26.张黎峰, 林俊藩, 陈 懿 “氧化镍与γ-Al2O3载体间的相互作用” 无机化学学报 7(1), 1991
27.HU Z, SHEN JY, ZHANG LF, CHEN Y, HSIA YF “The crystallization process of a-Fe35Ni15B26 ultrafine particles produced by reduction with borohydride” HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS 69 (1-4): 693-696 1991
28.Y. CHEN, L. ZHANG, J. LIN AND Y. JIN “The nature of metal oxide supported on γ-Al2O3: an incorporation model“ CATALYTIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 1, P291, 1991, (EDS.) YOSHIDA, ET AL. KODANSHA.
29.SHEN JY, HU Z, HSIA YF, CHEN Y “Fe-P-B ultrafine amorphous particles produced by chemical-reduction” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 59 (20): 2510-2511 NOV 11 1991
30.SHEN JY, HU Z, ZHANG LF, LI ZY, CHEN Y “The preparation of Ni-P ultrafine amorphous alloy particles by chemical-reduction” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 59 (27): 3545-3546 DEC 30 1991


31.金永漱, 颜其浩, 黄庆兵, 王野, 陈懿 “甲烷氧化偶联催化剂Li/MgO的结构及表面性质的研究” 无机化学学报 8(4) (1992)
32.王国雄, 陈懿 “二茂铁衍生物(CPБ)FeTeБS的动态—维核磁共振谱的研究” 化学学报 50(1) (1992)
33.郑丽敏, 谢玉明, 陈懿, 忻新泉 “固相配位化学反应研究ⅩⅩⅩⅥ、四氰合镍酸钾性载体的相互作用” 催化学报 13(1) (1992)
34.罗晓鸣, 陈懿, 韩世莹 “V2O5—SnO2催化剂的还原引为及其与氧化活性的关系”催化学报 13(4) 1992
35.沈俭一,胡征,张黎峰,陈懿“镍-磷非晶合金超细微粒的制备和物性研究”,化学学报 50, 566 (1992)
36.沈俭一,杨颖,胡征,颜其洁,陈懿“非晶态超微粒子合金Fe84P4B12的化学制备法及其物性研究”,科学通报12, 1092 (1992)
37.YAN QJ, WANG Y, JIN YS, CHEN Y “Methane oxidative coupling over Na2WO4/SiO2” CATALYSIS LETTERS 13 (3): 221-228 1992
38.CHEN Y, ZHANG LF “Surface interaction-model of gamma-alumina-supported metal-oxides” CATALYSIS LETTERS 12 (1-3): 51-62 1992
39.ZHANG LF, LIN JF, CHEN Y “A study of the interaction of Li2O and gamma-alumina” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 97 (2): 292-298 APR 1992
40.ZHANG LF, LIN JF, CHEN Y “Studies of surface NiO species in NiO/SiO2 catalysts using temperature-programmed reduction and x-ray-diffraction” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 88 (14): 2075-2078 JUL 21 1992
41.SHEN JY, HU Z, ZHANG QH, ZHANG LF, CHEN Y “Investigation of Ni-P-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles produced by chemical-reduction” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 71 (10): 5217-5221 MAY 15 1992
42.SHEN JY, HU Z, HSIA YF, CHEN Y “Investigation of amorphous Fe 82 P11B7 ultrafine particles produced by chemical-reduction” JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 4 (30): 6381-6388 JUL 27 1992


43.韩巧凤, 罗晓鸣, 陈懿 “Na2SnO3系催化剂在甲烷氧化偶联反应中的催化性能及表面碱性的探讨” 分子催化 7(1), 67(1993)
44.沈俭一, 杨良准, 颜其洁, 陈懿 “非担载铁-钼催化剂在氢还原过程中的物相研究” 分子催化 7(1), 9(1993)
45.胡征, 范以宁, 陈懿, 姜欣华 “粒度均匀镍磷非晶体超细微粒催化剂的制备与结构表征” 物理化学学报 9(1) 5(1993)
46.胡征,范以宁,陈懿 “铁-磷-硼纳米金属玻璃的化学制备与穆斯堡尔谱研究”,高等学校化学学报 14, 60 (1993) 
47.范以宁,胡征,许昭怡,陈懿 “NiB非晶态合金超细微粒的表面性质”,物理化学学报 9, 302 (1993). 
48.范以宁,胡征,许昭怡,陈懿 “Ni-P非晶态合金超细微粒的晶化行为” 物理化学学报 9, 684 (1993). 
49.胡征,范以宁,陈懿,夏元复 “Fe 35 Ni15 B26纳米金属玻璃的表面状态、结构弛豫及晶化过程的研究”,物理学报 42, 1188 (1993) 
50.罗晓鸣,韩巧风,陈懿,韩世莹,金通政,睦云霞 “NA2SnO3 系催化剂表面吸附氧的EPR研究” 物理化学学报 9(6),746(1993)
51.王秀芝,沈俭一,黄止而,王定珠,陈懿 “FT合成用Fe-Eu催化剂的穆斯堡尔谱研究” 分子催化 7(3),186(1993)
52.李先国,钟炳,彭少逸,王琴,吴东,沈俭一,陈懿 “铁基超细粒子催化剂结构与还原行为的Mossbauer谱研究” 燃料化学学报 21(2), 113(1993)
53.杨良准,范以宁,陈懿,万学适 “环已醇脱氢 ZnO/CaCO3 催化剂结构与催化性能的研究” 石油化工 22(6), 370(1993)
54.DING WP, CHEN Y, FU XC “Charge-transfer satellites in X-ray photoelectron-spectra of lanthanum in SrZrO3 lattice” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 204 (1-2): 119-122 MAR 12 1993
55.DING WP, CHEN Y, FU XC “Influence of surface-composition of perovskite-type complex oxides on methane oxidative coupling” APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 104 (1): 61-75 OCT 7 1993
57.GAO XT, SHEN JY, HSIA YF, CHEN Y “Reduction of supported iron-oxide studied by temperature-programmed reduction combined with Mossbauer-spectroscopy and X-ray-diffraction” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 89 (7): 1079-1084 APR 7 1993
58.FAN YN, HU Z, SHEN JY, YAN QJ, CHEN Y “Surface-state and catalytic activity of ultrafine amorphous nib alloy particles prepared by chemical-reduction” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 12 (8): 596-597 APR 15 1993
59.HU Z, SHEN JY, CHEN Y, LU M, HSIA YF “Spherical amorphous nickel-phosphorus alloy particles with uniform size prepared at room-temperature” JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 159 (1-2): 88-91 JUN 1993
60.HU Z, SHEN JY, FAN YN, HSIA YF, CHEN Y “Formation of ultrafine amorphous alloy particles with uniform size by autocatalytic method” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 12 (13): 1020-1021 JUL 1 1993
61.SHEN JY, LI ZY, YAN QJ, CHEN Y “reactions of bivalent-metal ions with borohydride in aqueous-solution for the preparation of ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 97 (32): 8504-8511 AUG 12 1993
62.SHEN JY, LI ZY, FAN YN, HU Z, CHEN Y “chemically prepared fe-b ultrafine amorphous alloy particles - influence of the reaction-time on the properties” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 106 (2): 493-500 OCT 1993


63.沈俭一, 李智渝,胡征,洪健明,陈懿 “诱导自催化法制备Ni-P超细非晶合金的反应动力学研究” 化学学报 52, 858 (1994) 
64.范以宁,胡征,许昭怡,陈懿 “具有优良结构稳定性的Ni-P-B非晶态合金超细微粒”高等学校化学学报  15, 117 (1994)
65.DING WP, CHEN Y, FU XC “Oxidative coupling of methane over Ce4+-doped Ba3WO6 catalysts - investigation on oxygen species responsible for catalytic performance” CATALYSIS LETTERS 23 (1-2): 69-78 1994
67.SHEN JY, CORTRIGHT RD, CHEN Y, DUMESIC JA “Microcalorimetric and infrared spectroscopic studies of gamma-Al2O3 modified by tin oxides” CATALYSIS LETTERS 26 (3-4): 247-257 1994 66. HU Z, FAN YN “A study on the preparation and magnetic-properties of FE100-XBX ultrafine amorphous powders” MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY 25 (2-3): 193-195 JUL 1994
68.SHEN JY, CORTRIGHT RD, CHEN Y, DUMESIC JA “Microcalorimetric and infrared spectroscopic studies of gamma-Al2O3 modified by basic metal-oxides” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 98 (33): 8067-8073 AUG 18 1994
69.SHEN JY, LI ZY, CHEN Y “Preparation of Fe-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles by the reaction of ferric-chloride and potassium borohydride in aqueous-solution” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 13 (16): 1208-1210 AUG 15 1994
70.SHEN JY, KOBE JM, CHEN Y, DUMESIC JA “Synthesis and surface acid/base properties of magnesium-aluminum mixed oxides obtained from hydrotalcites” LANGMUIR 10 (10): 3902-3908 OCT 1994


71.沈俭一, 李智渝, 陈懿 “Ni-P 超细非晶的化学制备,反应机理和性质的研究”,无机化学学报11,1(1995)
72.范以宁,胡征,陈懿 “镍基非晶态合金超细微粒催化剂的表面状态和催化性能”,科学通报, 40, 39 (1995)
73.董林,陈懿,“一些离子化合物在CeO2 和 g-Al2O3载体上的分散--嵌入模型的新证据” 催化学报, 16 (2), 85 (1995).
74.沈俭一,张庆红,李智渝,陈懿 “超细非晶含镍合金的化学制备和类金属元素对其性质的影响”,化学学报 53, 1168 (1995) 
75.Hou WH, Yan OJ, Chen Y, Fu XC “Preparation and characterization of silica-pillared layered titanate” PREPARATION OF CATALYSTS VI STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS 91: 799-805 1995
76.JIN YS, YAN QJ, YIN ZR, CHEN Y “Secondary-ion mass-spectrometry and x-ray photoelectron-spectroscopy of Na2MoO4/SiO2 catalysts for methane oxidative coupling” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 91 (2): 381-384 JAN 21 1995
77.HU Z, FAN Y, CHEN F, CHEN Y “Amorphous iron-boron powders prepared by chemical-reduction of mixed-metal cation solutions - dependence of composition upon reaction temperature” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (2): 247-247 JAN 21 1995
78.HU Z, FAN Y, WU Y, YAN Q, CHEN Y “A study on Fe-P-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 140: 413-414 Part 1, FEB 1995
79.SHEN JY, LOCHHEAD MJ, BRAY KL, CHEN Y, DUMESIC JA  “Structural and acid-base properties of supported europium oxides” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 99 (8): 2384-2392 FEB 23 1995

80.姚凯文,范以宁,匡文兴,陈懿 “钴系非晶合金超细微粒金属微观状态的研究”,物理化学学报 10, 954 (1996). 
81.胡征,吴勇,范以宁,颜其洁,陈懿 “Fe-P-B 纳米非晶合金微粒的化学制备及其研究”,中国科学 (B) 26, 544-550 (1996) 
82.董林,徐斌,胡静秋,陈懿 “氧化物载体表面结构对离子化合物分散的影响”,科学通报 41(23), 2207 (1996) 
83.匡文兴,范以宁,陈开东,陈懿 “La-Mo系复合氧化物超细微粒催化剂的制备”  物理化学学报12, 861 (1996). 
84.Ji WJ, Chen Y, Shen SK, Li SB, Wang HL “FTIR study of adsorption of CO, NO and C2H4 and reaction of CO+H-2 on the well-dispersed FeOx/gamma-Al2O3 and FeOx/TiO2(a) catalysts” APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 99 (2): 151-160 JUN 1996
85.Chen Y, Dong L, Jin YS, Xu B, Ji WJ “Studies on supported metal oxide-oxide support interactions (An incorporation model)” 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CATALYSIS - 40TH ANNIVERSARY, PTS A AND B STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS 101: 1293-1302, Part A&B 1996
86.Dong L, Chen Y “The dispersion of molybdena on ceria” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 92 (22): 4589-4593 NOV 21 1996
87.Hu Z, Fan Y, Wu Y, Yan Q, Chen Y “Crystallization and structure of high boron content iron-boron ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 31 (3): 611-616 FEB 1 1996
88.Xia WS, Hu Z, Jiang YS, Chen Y “A theoretical study on interactions between the components of amorphous alloy Fe (or Ni)-P-B systems” THEOCHEM-JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 366 (3): 259-263 AUG 26 1996
89.Shen JY, Zhang QH, Li ZY, Chen Y “Chemical reaction for the preparation of Ni-P ultrafine amorphous alloy particles from aqueous solution” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 15 (8): 715-717 APR 15 1996
90.Shen JY, Guang B, Tu M, Chen Y “Preparation and characterization of Fe/MgO catalysts obtained from hydrotalcite-like compounds” CATALYSIS TODAY 30 (1-3): 77-82 JUN 17 1996


91.季伟捷,陈懿 “氧化硅负载的固体碱上乙醛的气相缩合反应”高等学校化学学报 2, 277 (1997).
92.季伟捷,陈懿 “某些氧化物催化剂上乙醛的气相缩合反应”,催化学报 18, 56 (1997). 
93.匡文兴,范以宁,姚凯文,陈开东,陈懿 “溶胶-凝胶法制备Ce-Mo复合氧化物超细微粒催化剂”,催化学报 18, 157 (1997). 
94.韩钰,胡征,范以宁,董林,陈懿 “非晶纳米材料的固相化学制备”科学通报 42(22), 2461 (1997)
95.董林,胡静秋,徐斌,陈懿 “MoO3/CeO2体系中Mo离子存在状态的研究”,科学通报 42(13), 1405 (1997) 
96.屠迈,沈俭一,王谷丰,陈懿 “铁-镍水滑石及衍生的混合氧化物催化剂的制备及表 征”   无机化学学报 13(2), 159 (1997).
97.韩毓旺,沈俭一,陈懿 “B-P-O系催化剂表面酸性的吸附量热研究”,物理化学学报13, 916 (1997). 
98.Chen YS, Hou WH, Guo CX, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Synthesis and characterization of porous chromia-pillared layered titanoniobate” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY DALTON TRANSACTIONS (3): 359-362 FEB 7 1997
99.Guo CX, Hou WH, Guo M, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Synthesis of a new solid acid: Silica pillared lanthanum niobate with a supergallery” CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (8): 801-802 APR 21 1997
100.Hou WH, Chen YS, Guo CX, Yan QJ, Chen Y “The first synthesis of a chromia-pillared layered niobate with porosity, acidity and high thermostability” CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 15 (6): 562-564 1997
101.Ji WJ, Chen Y, Chen SK, Li SB, Wang HL “Structure and reactivity of the iron oxide specimen supported on magnesia via different preparation methods” MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 47 (1): 68-74 JAN 1997
102.Ji WJ, Chen Y, Kung HH “Vapor phase aldol condensation of acetaldehyde on metal oxide catalysts” APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 161 (1-2): 93-104 NOV 4 1997
103.Dong L, Jin YS, Chen Y “Dispersion state of CuO on CeO2 - An incorporation model for the interaction between metal oxide and oxide support” SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 40 (1): 24-30 FEB 1997
104.Dong L, Chen KD, Chen Y “Study of the interactions between MoO3 and alpha-Fe2O3” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 129 (1): 30-36 FEB 15 1997
105.Chen KD, Dong L, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Dispersion of Fe2O3 supported on metal oxides studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy and XRD” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 93 (12): 2203-2206 JUN 21 1997
106.Dong L, Hu JQ, Xu B, Chen Y “Surface state of molybdenum cations in MoO3/CeO2” CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 42 (15): 1278-1282 AUG 1997
107.Liu Z, Ji WJ, Dong L, Chen Y “Electron spin resonance studies of CuO supported on tetragonal ZrO2” JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 172 (1): 243-246 NOV 1997
108.Fan YN, Kuang WX, Chen Y “Selective oxidation of toluene over the ultrafine composite molybdenum-cerium oxide particles” CHEMISTRY LETTERS (3): 231-232 1997
109.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Chen KD, Chen Y “Selective oxidation of toluene over complex    Fe-Mo oxides in the absence of molecular oxygen” JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH-S (10): 366-367 OCT 1997
110.Hu Z, Wu Y, Fan YN, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Chemical preparation and investigation of Fe-P-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 40 (3): 261-269 JUN 1997
111.Shen JY, Li ZY, Wang QG, Chen Y “Chemically prepared Fe-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles: Influence of the way of mixing reactants” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 32 (3): 749-753 FEB 1 1997
112.Tu M, Shen JY, Chen Y “Microcalorimetric studies of surface acid/base properties of magnesium-iron catalysts prepared from hydrotalcite-type precursors” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 128 (1): 73-79 JAN 1997
113.Tu M, Shen JY, Chen Y “Preparation, characterization and microcalorimetric studies of nickel-iron hydrotalcites and their decompositions” THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 302 (1-2): 117-124 OCT 22 1997


114.屠迈,李大塘,沈俭一,陈懿 “微量吸附量热法研究氧化物催化剂的酸碱性质” 高等学校化学学报 19(6), 946 (1998) 
115.Ji WJ, Hu JQ, Chen Y “The structure and surface acidity of zirconia-supported tungsten oxides” CATALYSIS LETTERS 53 (1-2): 15-21 1998     
116.Liu Z, Dong QF, Chen Y “Existent state of ZrO2 in fused iron catalyst and its influence on the reactivity of the catalyst” MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 53 (1): 67-72 APR 1998
117.Liu Z, Chen Y “Spectroscopic studies on tetragonal ZrO2-supported MoO3 and NiO-MoO3 systems” JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 177 (2): 314-324 JUL 25 1998
118.Du XZ, Dong L, Li C, Liang YQ, Chen Y “Vibrational spectroscopic studies of molybdena dispersed on ceria support” SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS 31 (2): 441-457 1998         
119.Liu Z, Dong L, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Raman spectroscopic studies on tetragonal ZrO2 supported MoO3 and ZnO-MoO3 systems” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 94 (8): 1137-1142 APR 21 1998
120.Liu Z, Ji WJ, Dong L, Chen Y “Effect of supported Na+ ions on the texture properties of ZrO2” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 138 (1): 41-46 JUN 1998
121.Xu B, Dong L, Chen Y “Influence of CuO loading on dispersion and reduction behavior of CuO/TiO2 (anatase) system” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 94 (13): 1905-1909 JUL 7 1998
122.Liu Z, Ji WJ, Dong L, Chen Y “The incorporated dispersion of vanadium oxide and its influence on the textural properties of tetragonal ZrO2” MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 56 (2): 134-139 OCT 1 1998
123.Dong L, Liu Z, Hu YH, Xu B, Chen Y “Dispersion and reduction behavior of CuO/alpha-Fe2O3 systems” JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-FARADAY TRANSACTIONS 94 (19): 3033-3038 OCT 7 1998
124.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Qiu JH, Chen Y “Ultrafine La-Mo and Ce-Mo complex oxide particle catalysts for selective oxidation of toluene” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 8 (1): 19-20 JAN 1998
125.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Chen Y “Catalytic properties of ultrafine molybdenum-cerium oxide particles prepared by the sol-gel method” CATALYSIS LETTERS 50 (1-2): 31-35 1998
126.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Dong L, Chen Y “The role of terminal Mo=O bonds in selective oxidation of toluene over a complex Ce-Mo oxide in the absence of molecular oxygen” JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH-S (5): 276, MAY 1998
127.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Liu CB, Chen KD, Chen Y “Selective oxidation of toluene catalysed by ultrafine Fe-Mo oxide particles” JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH-S (9): 610-611 SEP 1998
128.Shen JY, Tu M, Hu C, Chen Y “Formation of surface basicity through the decomposition of alkali metal nitrates on gamma-Al2O3”LANGMUIR 14 (10): 2756-2760 MAY 12 1998
129.Tu M, Li DT, Shen JY, Chen Y “Microcalorimetric studies of surface acidity and basicity of metal oxides” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 19 (6): 946-949 JUN 1998 
130.Han YW, Zou H, Shen JY, Ji WJ, Chen Y “A preferable probe molecule for evaluating the surface acidic properties of sulfated zirconium and iron oxides by microcalorimetric adsorption measurement” CHEMISTRY LETTERS (11): 1179-1180 NOV 1998
131.Jia JF, Lin LW, Shen JY, Xu ZS, Zhang T, Liang DB, Chen Y “Studies of the roles of Sn or Fe on gamma-Al2O3-supported Pt catalysts by CO adsorption microcalorimetry and dehydrogenation reaction of C-4 alkanes” SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 41 (6): 606-615 DEC 1998
132.Chen Y “Chemical preparation and characterization of metal-metalloid ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” CATALYSIS TODAY 44 (1-4): 3-16 SEP 30 1998


133.胡玉海,刘东,董林,陈懿 “MoO3 在b-Ga2O3上的分散研究”,催化学报 20(6), 549, (1999).
134.徐非,胡玉海,董林,陈懿 “MoO3/a-Fe2O3  体系表面相互作用的研究” 科学通报44(14), 1498(1999)
135.Xia WS, Wan HL, Chen Y “Cluster model study on the surface interactions of gamma-alumina-supported metal oxides” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 138 (2-3): 185-195 FEB 5 1999
136.Hou WH, Chen YS, Guo CX, Yan QJ, Chen Y, Chen J “Synthesis and characterization of chromia-pillared layered tetratitanate” CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 17 (2): 142-149 MAR 1999  
137.Zhong ZH, Ding WP, Chen Y, Chen XY, Zhu YY, Min NB “The ferroelectricity of perovskite-type oxides with alkylamine interlayer” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 75 (13): 1958-1960 SEP 27 1999
138.Zeng L, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Preparation and characterization of VPO ultrafine particles” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 20 (10): 1595-1600 OCT 1999
139.Zeng L, Ji WJ, Chen Y “The support effect and surface acidity of the supported tungsten oxide catalysts by using zirconium hydroxide and oxide supports” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 15 (4): 475-481 JUL 1999          
140.Du XZ, Dong L, Li C, Liang YQ, Chen Y “Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform and Raman spectroscopic studies of MoO3 dispersed on CeO2 support” LANGMUIR 15 (5): 1693-1697 MAR 2 1999
141.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Liu L, Chen Y “Study on the reactivity of ultrafine cerium-molybdenum oxide particles in the absence of molecular oxygen” CATALYSIS LETTERS 61 (3-4): 173-178 1999  
142.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Chen KD, Chen Y “Partial oxidation of toluene over ultrafine mixed Mo-based oxide particles”JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 186 (2): 310-317 SEP 10 1999
143.Hu Z, Fan Y, Chen Y “Preparation and characterisation of ultrafine amorphous alloy particles” APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 68 (2): 225-229 FEB 1999


144.董林,陈懿 “离子型化合物与氧化物载体表面相互作用的研究——“嵌入模型”及其应用”无机化学学报. 16(2).-250-260 (2000)
145.侯文华,马军,颜其洁,陈懿,陈静 “均匀分散球形氧化铕超细微粒的制备和表征” 化学学报 58(6), 693 (2000).
146.薛蒙伟,张征林,范以宁,陈懿 “Co-Ce-O超细微粒催化剂的结构与催化性能”,物理化学学报,16,1028(2000).  
147.刘浏,林明,刘持标,范以宁, 颜其洁,陈懿 “邻二甲苯选择氧化V-Ti-O超细微粒催化剂” 催化学报 21,89(2000)  
148.吴勇,胡征,裴华兴,陈懿 “Fe-P-B 超细非晶合金的体制备规律及组元间相互作用研究”,高等学化学学报 21(1), 10 (2000)  
149.Xu F, Hu YH, Dong L, Chen Y “Surface interactions of MoO3/alpha-Fe2O3 system” CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 45 (3): 214-219 FEB 2000
150.Xu B, Dong L, Fan YN, Chen Y “A study on the dispersion of NiO and/or WO3 on anatase” JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 193 (1): 88-95 JUL 1 2000
151.Hu YH, Dong L, Wang J, Chen Y, Li C, Li MJ, Feng ZC, Ying PL “UV-Raman characterizations of MoO3/ZrO2 catalysts with extremely low MoO3 loadings” CHEMISTRY LETTERS (8): 904-905 AUG 5 2000
152.Hu YH, Dong L, Wang J, Ding WP, Chen Y “Activities of supported copper oxide catalysts in the NO plus CO reaction at low temperatures” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 162 (1-2): 307-316 NOV 20 2000
153.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Chen Y “State and reactivity of lattice oxygen ions in mixed Fe-Mo oxides” LANGMUIR 16 (3): 1440-1443 FEB 8 2000
154.Kuang WX, Fan YN, Chen Y “Structure and reactivity of ultrafine Fe-Mo oxide particles prepared by the sol-gel method” LANGMUIR 16 (11): 5205-5208 MAY 30 2000
155.Xu B, Dong L, Fan YN, Chen Y “A study on the dispersion of NiO and/or WO3 on anatase” JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 193 (1): 88-95 JUL 1 2000
156.Dong L, Hu YH, Xu F, Lu D, Xu B, Hu Z, Chen Y “A study on the surface properties of ceria-supported tungsten and copper oxides” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 104 (1): 78-85 JAN 13 2000


179.陈懿“双金属氧化物和氧化物载体组分间的相互作用” 复旦学报:自然科学版41(3).251(2002)
180.郭宪吉,侯文华,陈懿,颜其洁“层柱过渡金属氧化物” 科学通报. 47(22).1681(2002)
181.Wang XS, Nie WY, Ji WJ, Yan QJ, Chen Y “The preparation and characterization of high specific surface area VPO catalysts” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 23 (4): 620-623 APR 2002
182.Chen X, Ji WJ, Qiu JH, Chen Y “Modulation of vanadium phosphorous oxide by multi-component additives and mechanical milling” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 (5): 501-504 MAY 2002
183.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Yang Y, Chen Y “Porous alumina template in preparation of one-dimensional novel nanomaterials” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 (7): 647-653 JUL 2002
184.Xu BL, Fan YN, Liu L, Lin M, Chen Y “Dispersion state and catalytic properties of vanadia species on the surface of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts” SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 45 (4): 407-415 AUG 2002
185.Yang HP, Fan YN, Feng LY, Qiu JH, Lin M, Xu BL, Chen Y “The structure and catalytic properties of Bi-V-Mo-O composite oxide catalysts for selective oxidation of propane” ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 60 (6): 1006-1010 JUN 2002
186.Zhu HY, Shen MM, Liu TD, Wei ST, Hu YH, Dong L, Chen Y “Surface interaction between  copper oxide and CeO2-gamma-Al2O3 mixed oxide support” CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 23 (4): 325-328 JUL 2002
187.Xu LJ, Chen X, Ji WJ, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Influence of the way of preparing vanadium phosphorus oxide (VPO) precursor and introducing multi-additives on the reaction performance” REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS 76 (2): 335-341 2002
188.Zeng L, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Preparation of VOP ultra-fine particles by supercritical fluid drying” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 3 (3-4): 557-560 Sp. Iss. SI, 2002
189.Li YZ, Fan YN, Chen Y “The preparation of molybdenum oxynitride by hydrazine reduction of MoO3 at moderate temperature and its application in the selective hydrogenation of long-chain linear alkadienes” CATALYSIS LETTERS 82 (1-2): 111-116 SEP 2002
190.Wang XZ, Hu Z, Wu Q, Chen Y “Low-temperature catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes under microwave plasma assistance” CATALYSIS TODAY 72 (3-4): 205-211 MAR 15 2002
191.Huo KF, Hu Z, Chen F, Fu JJ, Chen Y, Liu BH, Ding J, Dong ZL, White T “Synthesis of boron nitride nanowires” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 80 (19): 3611-3613 MAY 13 2002
192.Ji WJ, Xu LJ, Wang XS, Hu Z, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Effects of ball milling on the doped vanadium phosphorus oxide catalysts” CATALYSIS TODAY 74 (1-2): 101-110 MAY 15 2002


179.陈懿“双金属氧化物和氧化物载体组分间的相互作用” 复旦学报:自然科学版41(3).251(2002)
180.郭宪吉,侯文华,陈懿,颜其洁“层柱过渡金属氧化物” 科学通报. 47(22).1681(2002)
181.Wang XS, Nie WY, Ji WJ, Yan QJ, Chen Y “The preparation and characterization of high specific surface area VPO catalysts” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 23 (4): 620-623 APR 2002
182.Chen X, Ji WJ, Qiu JH, Chen Y “Modulation of vanadium phosphorous oxide by multi-component additives and mechanical milling” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 (5): 501-504 MAY 2002
183.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Yang Y, Chen Y “Porous alumina template in preparation of one-dimensional novel nanomaterials” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 18 (7): 647-653 JUL 2002
184.Xu BL, Fan YN, Liu L, Lin M, Chen Y “Dispersion state and catalytic properties of vanadia species on the surface of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts” SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 45 (4): 407-415 AUG 2002
185.Yang HP, Fan YN, Feng LY, Qiu JH, Lin M, Xu BL, Chen Y “The structure and catalytic properties of Bi-V-Mo-O composite oxide catalysts for selective oxidation of propane” ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 60 (6): 1006-1010 JUN 2002
186.Zhu HY, Shen MM, Liu TD, Wei ST, Hu YH, Dong L, Chen Y “Surface interaction between  copper oxide and CeO2-gamma-Al2O3 mixed oxide support” CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 23 (4): 325-328 JUL 2002
187.Xu LJ, Chen X, Ji WJ, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Influence of the way of preparing vanadium phosphorus oxide (VPO) precursor and introducing multi-additives on the reaction performance” REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS 76 (2): 335-341 2002
188.Zeng L, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Preparation of VOP ultra-fine particles by supercritical fluid drying” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 3 (3-4): 557-560 Sp. Iss. SI, 2002
189.Li YZ, Fan YN, Chen Y “The preparation of molybdenum oxynitride by hydrazine reduction of MoO3 at moderate temperature and its application in the selective hydrogenation of long-chain linear alkadienes” CATALYSIS LETTERS 82 (1-2): 111-116 SEP 2002
190.Wang XZ, Hu Z, Wu Q, Chen Y “Low-temperature catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes under microwave plasma assistance” CATALYSIS TODAY 72 (3-4): 205-211 MAR 15 2002
191.Huo KF, Hu Z, Chen F, Fu JJ, Chen Y, Liu BH, Ding J, Dong ZL, White T “Synthesis of boron nitride nanowires” APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 80 (19): 3611-3613 MAY 13 2002
192.Ji WJ, Xu LJ, Wang XS, Hu Z, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Effects of ball milling on the doped vanadium phosphorus oxide catalysts” CATALYSIS TODAY 74 (1-2): 101-110 MAY 15 2002


193.邹颖楠,赵静,季伟捷,陈懿“V5+物种对钒磷氧化物催化性能的影响” 无机化学学报. 19(5).497(2003)
194.杨汉培,范以宁,许波连,陈懿“丙烷选择氧化用BiCeVMoO复合氧化物催化剂中Ce组分的作用” 催化学报24(4).265(2003)
195.杨勇,胡征,陈懿,“分叉碳纳米管的催化生长” 无机化学学报. 19(7).771(2003)
196.缪建文,范以宁,金永漱,陈懿“SrTi0.9M0.1O3-d 钙钛矿型氧化物催化剂甲烷氧化偶联反应性能的研究”,无机化学学报19(11).1257(2003)
197.缪建文,范以宁,金永漱,陈懿“SrTi1-xMgxO3-d钙钛矿型氧化物催化剂甲烷氧化偶联反应性能的研究” 无机化学学报. 19(12)1361(2003)
198.Guo XJ, Hou WH, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Pillared layered transition metal oxides” CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 48 (2): 101-110 JAN 2003
199.Yang G, Hou WH, Guo XJ, Yan QJ, Chen Y, Chen J “Nanocomposites of inorganic layered compounds with polyaniline” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 19 (6): 561-568 JUN 2003
200.Li MW, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Wu QA, Lu YN, Chen Y “Synthesis of carbon nanotube array using corona discharge plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition” CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 48 (6): 534-537 MAR 2003  
201.Hu YH, Liu TD, Shen MM, Zhu HY, Wei ST, Hong X, Ding WP, Dong L, Chen Y “Influence of titanium oxide on the surface interactions of MO (M = Cu and Ni)/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 170 (1): 58-67 JAN 2003
202.Li YZ, Fan YN, Chen Y “A novel route to nanosized molybdenum boride and carbide and/or metallic molybdenum by thermo-synthesis method from MoO3, KBH4, and CCl4” JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 170 (1): 135-141 JAN 2003
203.Li YZ, Fan YN, Yang HP, Xu BL, Feng LY, Yang MF, Chen Y “Strong metal-support interaction and catalytic properties of anatase and rutile supported palladium catalyst Pd/TiO2” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 372 (1-2): 160-165 APR 22 2003
204.Xu H, Hu Z, Wu SH, Chen Y “Surface modification of polytetrafluoroethylene by microwave plasma treatment of H2O/Ar mixture at low pressure” MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 80 (1): 278-282 APR 29 2003
205.Shen MM, Hu YH, Zhu HY, Liu TD, Wei ST, Dong L, Chen Y “A study of thoria on the surface of gamma-Al2O3” JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 257 (2): 408-411 JAN 15 2003
206.Yang Y, Hu Z, Wu Q, Lu YN, Wang XZ, Chen Y “Template-confined growth and structural characterization of amorphous carbon nanotubes” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 373 (5-6): 580-585 MAY 28 2003
207.Li MW, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Wu Q, Chen Y “Template-directed synthesis of carbon nanowires using pulsed corona plasma at atmospheric pressure” THIN SOLID FILMS 435 (1-2): 116-119 JUL 1 2003  
208.Huo KF, Hu Z, Fu JJ, Xu H, Wang XZ, Chen Y, Lu Y, Liu BH, Ding J “Chemical synthesis and characterization of boron/boron nitride core-shell nanostructures” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 18 (7): 1641-1645 JUL 2003  
209.Nie WY, Wang ZY, Ji WJ, Chen Y, Au CT “Comparative studies on the VPO specimen supported on mesoporous Al-containing MCM-41 and large-pore silica” APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 244 (2): 265-272 MAY 15 2003
210.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Lu YN, Huo KF, Deng SZ, Xu NS, Shen B, Zhang R, Chen Y “Extended vapor-liquid-solid growth and field emission properties of aluminium nitride nanowires” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 13 (8): 2024-2027 2003
211.Yang Y, Hu Z, Tian YJ, Lu YN, Wang XZ, Chen Y “High-yield production of quasi-aligned carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of benzene” NANOTECHNOLOGY 14 (7): 733-737 JUL 2003
212.Li MW, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Wu Q, Chen Y “Low-temperature synthesis of carbon nanotubes using corona discharge plasma reaction at atmospheric pressure” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS 22 (17): 1223-1224 SEP 1 2003
213.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Lu YN, Chen X, Xu H, Chen Y “Synthesis and characterization of faceted hexagonal aluminum nitride nanotubes” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 125 (34): 10176-10177 AUG 27 2003
214.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Chen Y, Lu YN “Synthesis and optical characterization of aluminum nitride nanobelts” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 107 (36): 9726-9729 SEP 11 2003
215.Yang Y, Hu Z, Lu YN, Chen Y “Growth of carbon nanotubes with metal-loading mesoporous molecular sieves catalysts” MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 82 (2): 440-443 NOV 15 2003  


216.He J, Fan YN, Qiu JH, Chen Y “The surface acidity and catalytic performance of Nb2O5/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts treated by sulphuric acid” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 20 (7): 789-794 JUL 2004  
217.Miao JW, Fan YN, Jin YS, Chen Y “A study on catalytic properties of perovskite-type oxide SrTiO3 catalysts for oxidative coupling of methane” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 20 (8): 967-970 AUG 2004  
218.He J, Fan YN, Qiu JH, Chen Y “Dispersion state and catalytic properties of niobia species on the surface of Nb2O5/TiO2 catalysts” ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 62 (14): 1311-1317 JUL 28 2004  
219.Lu B, Huo KF, Lu YN, Wang XZ, Hu Z, Chen Y “Synthesis and characterization of hollow-cavity-stacked one-dimensional carbon nanostructures” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 20 (4): 469-473 APR 2004
220.Guo XJ, Huo WH, Kong Y, Ding WP, Fan YN, Yao TY, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Preparation and characterization of TiO2-pillared layered HNb3O8” CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 22 (4): 340-343 APR 2004  
221.Zhu H, Shen M, Gao F, Kong Y, Dong L, Chen Y, Jian C, Liu Z “A study of  CuO/CeO2/Al-Zr-O in “NO plus CO“ “ CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS 5 (8): 453-456 AUG 2004  
222.Zhu HY, Liu B, Shen MM, Kong Y, Hong X, Hu YH, Ding WP, Dong L, Chen Y “Effect of maltose for the crystallization of tetragonal zirconia” MATERIALS LETTERS 58 (25): 3107-3110 OCT 2004  
223.Li YZ, Luo GF, Fan YN, Chen Y “A novel route to the synthesis of nanosized metallic molybdenum at moderate temperature and its catalytic properties” MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 39 (2): 195-203 FEB 2 2004  
224.Zhu HY, Shen MM, Kong Y, Hong JM, Hu YH, Liu TD, Dong L, Chen Y, Jian C, Liu Z “Characterization of copper oxide supported on ceria-modified anatase” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 219 (1): 155-164 SEP 1 2004
225.Li YZ, Fan YN, He J, Xu BL, Yang HP, Miao JW, Chen Y “Selective liquid hydrogenation of long chain linear alkadienes on molybdenum nitride and carbide modified by oxygen” CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 99 (3): 213-218 JUL 1 2004
226.Li YZ, Xu BL, Fan YN, Feng NY, Qiu AD, He JMJ, Yan HP, Chen Y “The effect of titania    polymorph on the strong metal-support interaction of Pd/TiO2 catalysts and their application in the liquid phase selective hydrogenation of long chain alkadienes” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 216 (1): 107-114 JUL 1 2004  
227.Guo XJ, Hou WH, Ding WP, Fan YN, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Synthesis of novel inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposites: Intercalation behaviour of titanium(IV) (triethanolaminato) -isopropoxide in a series of layered protonic metal oxides” INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 7 (8): 946-948 AUG 2004
228.Zhou ZQ, Xu HY, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Preparation of novel composite VPO/fumed silica catalyst for partial oxidation of n-butane” CATALYSIS LETTERS 96 (3-4): 221-226 JUL 2004
229.Tian YJ, Hu Z, Yang Y, Chen X, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Thermal analysis-mass spectroscopy coupling as a powerful technique to study the growth of carbon nanotubes from benzene” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 388 (4-6): 259-262 APR 21 2004
230.Li MW, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Wu Q, Chen Y “Synthesis of carbon nanowires using dc pulsed   corona discharge plasma reaction” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 39 (1): 283-284 JAN 1 2004
231.Li MW, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Wu Q, Chen Y, Tian YL “Low-temperature synthesis of carbon nanotubes using corona discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure” DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 13 (1): 111-115 JAN 2004  
232.Wu Q, Hu Z, Wang XZ, Hu YM, Tian YJ, Chen Y “A simple route to aligned AlN nanowires” DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS 13 (1): 38-41 JAN 2004
233.Tian YJ, Hu Z, Yang Y, Wang XZ, Chen X, Xu H, Wu Q, Ji WJ, Chen Y “In situ TA-MS study of the six-membered-ring-based growth of carbon nanotubes with benzene precursor” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 (4): 1180-1183 FEB 4 2004
234.Xu H, Ma J, Chen X, Hu Z, Huo KF, Chen Y “The electronic structures and formation mechanisms of the single-walled BN nanotube with small diameter” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 108 (13): 4024-4034 APR 1 2004
235.Xiao CY, Chen X, Wang ZY, Ji WJ, Chen Y, Au CT “The novel and highly selective fumed silica-supported VPO for partial oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride” CATALYSIS TODAY 93-95: 223-228 SEP 1 2004
236.Tian YJ, Hu Z, Yang Y, Chen X, Ji WJ, Chen Y “Thermal analysis-mass spectroscopy coupling as a powerful technique to study the growth of carbon nanotubes from benzene” CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 388 (4-6): 259-262 APR 21 2004
237.Fu JJ, Lu YN, Xu H, Huo KF, Wang XZ, Li L, Hu Z, Chen Y “The synthesis of boron nitride nanotubes by an extended vapour-liquid-solid method” NANOTECHNOLOGY 15 (7): 727-730 JUL 2004


238.Guo Y, Wu Q, Wang XZ, Hu Z, Chen Y “Growth and optical characterization of Ga2O3 nanobelts” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 21 (5): 669-672 MAY 2005
239.Li XK, Lei Y, Jiang Q, Zhao J, Ji WJ, Zhang ZB, Chen Y “Partial oxidation of propane over Keggin type molybdovanadophosphoric acids” ACTA CHIMICA SINICA 63 (12): 1049-1054 JUN 28 2005
240.Li XK, Lei Y, Zhao J, Ji WJ, Zhang ZB, Chen Y “Effects of variation of elemental compositions of cesium salts of Keggin type heteropolyacids on selectively catalytic oxidation performance of propane” CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 26 (9): 1716-1721 SEP 10 2005
241.Xing L, Xue NH, Chen XK, Guo XF, Ding WP, Chen Y “Catalytic decomposition of nitric oxide over nano-sized PbTiO3 supported cupric oxide” CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 21 (5): 729-732 MAY 2005
242.Liu Z, Amirids MD, Chen Y “Characterization of CuO supported on tetragonal ZrO2 catalysts for N2O decomposition to N2” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (3): 1251-1255 JAN 27 2005
243.Zhu HY, Wu Y, Zhao X, Wan HQ, Yang LJ, Hong JM, Yu Q, Dong L, Chen Y, Jian C, Wei J, Xu PH “Influence of impregnation times on the dispersion of CuO on anatase” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 243 (1): 24-30 JAN 2 2006
244.Zhou XF, Chen SY, Zhang DY, Guo XF, Ding WP, Chen Y “Microsphere organization of nanorods directed by PEG linear polymer” LANGMUIR 22 (4): 1383-1387 FEB 14 2006
245.Liu C, Hu Z, Wu Q, Wang XZ, Chen Y, Sang H, Zhu JM, Deng SZ, Xu NS “Vapor-solid growth and characterization of aluminum nitride nanocones” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 (4): 1318-1322 FEB 2 2005
246.Li XW, Shen MM, Hong X, Zhu HY, Gao F, Kong Y, Dong L, and Chen Y “Dispersion and Reduction of Copper Oxide Supported on WO3-Modified Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 Solid Solution” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (9): 3949 – 3955 MAR 10 2005
247.Yang HP, Fan YN, Wu JM, Chen Y “Structure and properties of BiCeVMoO mixed metal oxides catalysts for selective oxidation of propane” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL 227 (1-2): 279-283 MAR 1 2005
248.Guo XJ, Hou WH, Ding WP, Fan YN, Yan QJ, Chen Y “Synthesis of a novel super-microporous layered material and its catalytic application in the vapor-phase Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime” MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS 80 (1-3): 269-274 MAY 2 2005
249.Zhu HY, Shen MM, Wu Y, Li XW, Hong JM, Liu B, Wu XL, Dong L, Chen Y “Dispersion behaviors of molybdena on titania (rutile and/or anatase)” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (23): 11720-11726 JUN 16 2005
250.Chen X, Ma J, Hu Z, Wu Q, Chen Y “AIN nanotube: Round or faceted?” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 127 (22): 7982-7983 JUN 8 2005
251.Wu XX, Fu JJ, Yang Y, Wu Q, Hu Z, Chen Y, Lu YN “Synthesis and characterizaton of high-quality GaN nanorods with triangular cross section” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 19 (15-17): 2859-2864 Part 2, JUL 10 2005
252.Ma YW, Hu Z, Huo KF, Lu YN, Hu YM, Liu Y, Hu JH, Chen Y “A practical route to the production of carbon nanocages” CARBON 43 (8): 1667-1672 JUL 2005
253.Liu C, Hu Z, Wu Q, Wang XZ, Chen Y, Lin WW, Sang H, Deng SZ, Xu NS “Synthesis and field emission properties of aluminum nitride nanocones” APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 251 (1-4): 220-224 SEP 15 2005
254.Wu Q, Hu Z, Liu C, Wang XZ, Chen Y, Lu YN “Synthesis and optical properties of gallium phosphide nanotubes” JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 109 (42): 19719-19722 OCT 27 2005
255.Huo KF, Mai YW, Hui YM, Fu JJ, Lu B, Lu YN, Hu Z, Chen Y “Synthesis of single-crystalline alpha-Si3N4 nanobelts by extended vapour-liquid-solid growth” NANOTECHNOLOGY 16 (10): 2282-2287 OCT 2005
256.Pan Y, Huo KF, Hu YM, Fu JJ, Lu YN, Dai ZD, Hu Z, Chen Y “Boron nitride nanocages synthesized by a moderate thermochemical approach” SMALL 1 (12): 1199-1203 DEC 2005




美国Wisconsin大学访问学者,中科院院士。历任南京大学化学系系主任、副校长、常务副校长、代校长。现任南京大学教授、校务委员会顾问、校发展委员会顾问、华英文化教育基金南京大学遴选委员会召集人、介观化学教育部重点实验室学术委员会主任。曾任国际催化协会理事、中国化学会理事长、教育部高等学校化学教学指导委员会主任、国务院学位委员会化学学科评议组召集人、《Journal of Catalysis》编委等职务。


曾任国际催化协会理事(1992-2000)、中国化学会理事长(1995-1998)、教育部高等学校化学教学指导委员会主任(1995-2000)、国务院学位委员会化学学科评议组召集人(1997-2002)、《Journal of Catalysis》编委(2000-2005)等职务。  1985-1997期间还历任南京大学化学系系主任、副校长、常务副校长、代校长(1996-1997)。


1.氧化物与载体相互作用研究-嵌入模型 (陈懿,董林,张黎锋,刘征,金永漱,颜其洁,季伟捷,林俊藩,夏文生,徐斌). 2001, 教育部科技进步二等奖

2.纳米非晶合金催化剂的化学制备、表征及性能研究 (陈懿,胡征,沈俭一,范以宁,夏文生,李智瑜,吴勇). 2000, 江苏省科技进步二等奖

3. 新型无机多孔材料-层柱金属氧化物的制备和表征 (侯文华,颜其洁,郭灿雄,陈懿,傅献彩). 1999, 国家教委科技进步二等奖

4. 穆斯堡尔谱学基础和应用 (夏元复,陈懿). 1992, 国家教委优秀教材二等奖

5.多相催化研究中穆斯堡尔谱学的应用 (陈懿,丁莹如,颜其洁,夏元复,金永漱). 1991, 江苏省科技进步二等奖

6.摸拟贵重教学仪器教学软件系列 (忻新泉,华建军,张海燕,屠庆云,陈懿).  1988, 国家教委科技进步二等奖

7. 穆斯堡尔谱仪及其应用 (集体署名). 1978, 全国科学大会奖状

8. C9-2中温变换催化剂的研制(集体署名). 1978, 全国科学大会奖状

9. 江苏省优秀学科带头人. 1995, 江苏省教委

10. 全国优秀科技工作者 1997, 中国科学技术协会



1 胡征,霍开富,陆斌,马延文,王喜章,陈懿,“氮化硅和碳化硅一维纳米 结构及其制备方法” 中国发明专利,申请号:03152915.1 (已批准,证书未到)
2.颜其洁、梁琪、陈开东、陈懿,“纳米级钴锰尖晶石及其制法和用途”, 中国发明专利:ZL96117198.7;国际专利主分类号:B01.J 23/889 (授予时间:2000.01.22)
3.季伟捷, 胡静秋, 丁维平, 陈懿,“一种D-山梨醇的制备方法”,中国发明专利: ZL98111312.5
4.季伟捷,曾翎,陈懿,“一种钒磷氧化物超微粒子的制法及其制品”, 中国发明专利:ZL99114080.X (授予时间:2004.12.29)
5.范以宁,李远志,陈懿,“由四氯化钛常温水解合成大比表面积纳米金红石型二氧化钛的方法”, 中国发明专利:ZL00119033.4 (授予时间:2004.06.16)
6.范以宁,李远志,陈懿,“长链正构双烯选择性加氢催化剂氮化钼和氮氧化钼及其制备和应用”, 中国发明专利:ZL02113087.6 (授予时间:2004.06.16)
7.季伟捷,许利军,颜其洁,陈懿,“一种用正丁烷选择氧化制顺酐的钒磷氧催化剂及其制法”, 中国发明专利:ZL00112288.6 (授予时间:2004.04.28)
8.季伟捷,王晓书,颜其洁,陈懿,“一种小粒径钒磷氧催化剂及其制法”,中国发明专利:ZL00136515.0 (授予时间:2004.04.28)
9.胡征,王喜章,吴强,陈懿,“一种氮化硼纳米管及其制法”, 中国发明专利:ZL01113556.5 (授予时间:2004.06.30)
10.胡征,殷平,范以宁,陈懿,“化学镀镍-磷合金镀液及化学镀工艺”, 中国发明专利:ZL96117130.8 (授予时间:2000.04.28)
11.胡征,韩钰,范以宁,陈懿,“固相化学反应制备纳米材料的方法”,中国发明专利:ZL 96117127.8 (授予时间:2000.04.28)
12.-14 Chen Y, Ding WP, Chun Y, Ma L, Muller U, “Oxide and Method for Production Thereof” 德国专利:DE 19954322, 欧洲专利:EP 1232007, 世界专利WO 0134298 (授予时间:2001.05.17)
